Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Feeling Crafty

Well, I still can't get to my scrapping stuff, one of these days I REALLY have to organize it! So, today I decided to play with my sewing machine. I don't sew much, but when I do, I like to make something nifty. My sister in Indiana raises Chihuahuas. The last time I was out she showed me pictures of these "snuggle sack" things. They're basically a very small sleeping bag that the dog can snuggle down into and be warm. I decided to give it a go with some fleece I had found with Eeyore on sis loves Eeyore. I sewed 3 layers of fleece on the bottom for cushion and kind of quilted them together a bit so they wouldn't get all bunched up. The top is one layer of fleece, and I even added a touch of lace around the edges. It's not completely done yet, I need to finish up the top and trim the strings, but that is for another day. So, here it is at it stands now. Layla thinks it's pretty cool.

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