Saturday, August 9, 2008

Quick update

Just playing with some pictures from the beach there... Not really my update.

So, I'm almost 15 weeks pregnant now...still have morning sickness...and have been working like crazy which is why no updates I guess.
Then this past week I got another stomach flu on top of everything and ended up getting I.V. fluids at the doctor's office. I missed the entire week of work (I'm sure they're thrilled with me...oh well!). And then yesterday I threw my back out just taking the dogs off of their leashes. Now I can barely move or take care of myself, and they can't really give me any drugs other than Tylenol so I have to suffer through and hope it works itself out by Monday so I can get back to work...rah. I did get a note from the doctor saying I can only work a max of 25 hours now, so hopefully that might help a bit...we'll see.


Sherry said...

Aw, Lu, I hope your back is feeling better. Hopefully your morning sickness will subside soon too. Sounds like a good idea to be able to cut back on work.

Lacey said...

aw - I hope you are feeling better now... i know I'm a little late on this post. But I hope you aren't having morning sickness anymore(or as much). Take care!